Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Preparing for the unexpected

One of my New Years resolutions was to get all of our legal documents in order. While I don't like to think about something happening to one of us, life has unfortunately taught me that things can change in a moment. It's important that we plan for the unexpected and it's comforting to know that Anne will be taken care of should something happen.

I realize I'm pretty sensitive, but since Anne was born I fall apart during commercials about parents and kids and now know that watching things about parents passing away will quickly send me into fits of hysteria. So it's no surprise that I just avoid those things. Avoidance is my default way of coping with things.

But I'm not avoiding this and called Shea and started sobbing when I asked her if she would care for Anne if something should happen to us. I have no doubt that she would raise her to be the wonderful, young lady that she will inevitably become.

I did tell her that under no circumstances is Anne allowed to go to the university of Florida or LSU because those places are not our standards.

I'm proud of us for thinking ahead and grateful for friends and family who are willing to love our girl and pup as if they were their own.

1 comment:

  1. Tear. I guess murph has another god parent besides myself. Smart thinking! ;)
