Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bama Bound

I'm Atlanta for work this week and when I'm this close to home, I try to add a few days to my trip to visit the family.  Now that Anne's in the picture, I asked Shea if she would want to keep Anne while I'm working this week.

We've had this trip planned for a while and after weeks of stressing about how I was going to travel with two suitcases, a car seat, diaper bag, tote bag, stroller and Anne, we finally got it all worked out.  (Traveling with an infant is exhausting!)

Today, Matt helped with getting everything checked in and sent us on our way.  As soon as we got in the security line, Anne started screaming.  She wanted to be held which was incredibly challenging while trying to get everything on the conveyor belt and take my shoes off.  After having my diaper bag searched multiple times, we made it through the line and were on our way to the gate.  We had a little over an hour before our flight left, so I grabbed an ice coffee and we settled on the floor to watch the planes and play. 

Anne playing in the gate area
Thankfully, Delta let us board with first class so we were able to get settled in our seat without being rushed. We were lucky enough to have an open middle seat, which gave us extra room.  Anne was pretty tired from not napping this morning and fell asleep right after take off.  She slept for around 45 minutes and probably would have slept longer if I hadn't moved because my arm was asleep.

Adorable grin after we landed

Anne handing out before we get off the plane
After she woke up, we read books, played with toys and ate some puffs.  We landed without any major melt downs and made our way off the plane and to baggage claim where we found Aunt Shea and her friend, Martha.

Now Anne's in Alabama for the remainder of the week where I hope she'll behave and we'll have an easy flight back to Austin on Sunday.

Until then, we'll miss everyone back in Austin, but excited about spending some time with family in Alabama.


1 comment:

  1. I do NOT KNOW HOW YOU DID it!! I would have been a mess. She is precious!!!
