Monday, October 22, 2012

Eight Months!

Today, we celebrated 8 months!  After a hectic week/weekend with work, our office was closed to let everyone recover from all of the events.  I was glad to have the day off and get to take Anne to story time at the Westbank Library.  She usually goes with Mrs. Gladys and it was fun to see what they do each week and meet the friends that she has made. 

We sang songs, enjoyed the bubble machines, listened to the librarian read books and then checked out some new books for the week.  I wish I had more opportunities to do things like this with Anne, but I'm glad that her sweet grandmother takes her.

Matt lowered her baby bed today as well.  We've been talking about lowering it for a while and after Sarah mentioned having to lower Caroline's in the middle of the night, we decided we should take care of it now.  

At eight months, Anne is:

  • happy when you help her stand so that she can walk or hold onto things
  • banging things together to make noises
  • squealing and blowing raspberries
  • eating more foods including cheerios, puffs and food that isn't strictly pureed
  • smiling and laughing more
  • noticing more details in objects
  • able to pick up tiny objects
  • chewing on everything
  • holding steady with two bottom teeth
  • not napping as much as we would like her to, but still sleeping 12+ hours a night
  • loving the water and bath time
  • not crawling, but putting weight on her hands and bouncing on her knees
Her next check-up isn't until the first of December, but we did take her to the doctor a week ago and know that she weighs around 18 pounds. 

Matt and I tried to take some photos of Anne for her 8 month photo shoot.  We never really got a great shot of her, but we did get a few funny ones.

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